
Bouquet de 50 or 75 Natural Roses with Butterflies


A breathtaking arrangement of 50 or 75 fresh roses, elegantly adorned with delicate butterfly accents—perfect for making any moment unforgettable.

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A stunning bouquet of 50 or 75 fresh natural roses, beautifully arranged and accented with delicate butterfly decorations—an elegant gift for any occasion.

The bouquet features a stunning arrangement of vibrant red roses, tightly packed together to create a lush, full appearance. Surrounding the flowers are decorative paper elements adorned with the Chanel logo, lending a touch of elegance to the presentation.
Adding a whimsical touch, delicate yellow butterflies with intricate cut-out designs and sparkling details are nestled among the roses, enhancing the bouquet’s charm and visual appeal. The overall effect is both romantic and luxurious, making it a striking centerpiece.

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

pink, red

rose pcs

75 pcs, 50 pcs

pattern paper

black & pink love, black & white louis, black Gucci, blue louis, Gucci peach, pink & gold channel, red & gold channel, red & white louis, white channel, white louis


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