
Bouquet of 100 or 200 natural Roses with Crown and Butterfly (Buchon)


A beautiful bouquet of 100 or 200 natural red and pink roses, offering a romantic and vibrant display.

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A stunning bouquet of natural roses, elegantly arranged to showcase their vibrant hues and delicate petals, creating a romantic and timeless display. Perfect for any special occasion or as a beautiful gesture of love. This bouquet features a stunning arrangement of vibrant red roses, densely packed together to create a round shape. The roses are adorned with decorative gems, adding a sparkling touch to the overall display. At the top of the bouquet, there’s a small, elegant silver crown, enhancing the regal feel. Complementing the floral design, two delicately crafted butterflies in a shimmering metallic finish are positioned among the roses, adding a whimsical and playful element. The bouquet is wrapped in a stylish black paper featuring a designer pattern, which enhances its luxurious appearance.

Weight 6 lbs
Dimensions 24 × 24 × 24 in

pink, red, white

rose pcs

100 pcs, 200 pcs

pattern paper

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